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The Billion Coin is a new cryptocurrency that started in March 21, 2016. Now they have a total member of over 117,424  globally, with headquarters in Asia, Philippine to be precise. Cryptocurrency is simply a digital or virtual currency. It is the direct opposite of fiat currency or paper money. Digital or cryptocurrencies are used for online transactions and payments. Bitcoin, The BillionCoin Onecoin, are a just a few examples of cryptocurrencies while Pounds, Naira, Dollar, Euro are examples of fiat currencies or paper money. Amongst all cryptocurrencies, THE BILLION COIN is the first abundance cryptocurrency aimed at eradicating poverty. Basic Information You Should Know About the Billion Coin (TBC) 1.    The TBC coin was launched on March 21st, 2016 at the initial price of 10th of a cent in euro. 2.    The ultimate price = the total number of verified TBC Members X 1 Euro.  3.    The current price adjusts once every 24 hours at midnight Fiji time (that’s 1pm Nigeria ti


Have you ever wondered why you should do something free when you ought to be paid for it? Service in the real sense of it means a lot in so many ways to different people. To an Entrepreneur, Service is rendering of an effort to her client for monetary gains The aspect we shall be considering today is the Voluntary type or professionally called Internship. Service in this view is considered a voluntary  valuable action, deed, or effort performed to satisfy a need or to  fulfill a demand without expectation of financial rewards. “The best antidote I know for worry is work. The best cure for weariness is the challenge of helping someone who is even more tired. One of the great ironies of life is this: He or she who serves almost always benefits more than he or she who is served.”  - Anonymous  One of the principles deduced from the Holy Book, states that every true leader must be ready to serve even his subordinates. you cannot be served until you serve. Your attit


This is a series we running is aimed at educating and increasing your understanding on Financial Intelligence which is a sure way to gain financial freedom. As  a recall to the past series,  Dynamics of Financial Freedom (Part 1)   |  Dynamics of Financial Freedom (Part 2) Financial freedom is also popularly defined as the point at which your assets (stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.) produce enough income to cover your baseline expenses.   Financial freedom is much more than having money. It’s the freedom to be who you really are and do what you really want in life. The best form of savings is INVESTMENT. The larger portion of your savings should be invested to secure your funds from price fluctuations. During periods of inflation (the consistent increase in price of goods and services in an economy),the funds in your savings account will decrease in value.  For Example, if Mr. A has $1,000 in his savings account before an inflationary period, the goods and services he would b

How to Link your Twitter and Facebook Account

Have you ever wondered how possible it was to stream your Facebook and Twitter content interchangeably? Its not pretty difficult as you think. Twitter is very popular amongst young professionals, celebrities and the Millennial age while facebook actively comprises more of 45-60 years(older adults). therefore, there is a need to balance your content distribution between the two platforms. this video will show you how to link your twitter and facebook accounts so as to enable you share contents interchangeably. For Questions and Inquiries, use the comment box. We also offer Private and Corporate Computer, Internet and Social Media Training. Simply a Call Away - 08185683290


Welcome back to the Dynamics of Financial Freedom Series. Read the Dynamics of Financial Freedom (Part 1) via ii. Managing Money The progressive pathway to financial freedom is in your ability to manage the funds you earn or given as gifts.I am pretty sure you have heard the idiom that states 'Cut your coat according to your size' which simply infers that you must learn to live below your means with the intent to expand your means. This phrase actually contains two lessons. The first is that regardless of our income, we should always manage our expenses properly. Remember, the goal should be to ultimately be able to save almost 80% of our income. But there is also a second lesson here. That we should pursuit the goal of expanding our means i.e investing your idle funds for larger profits to cater for additional expenses. The game of wealth is not won by always playing defense (minimizing expenses and not wanting to take risks. At